Some basic advice for you CV:
- Place a short paragraph at the top of your CV explainging what added value do you bring to a position, based on all the work experience you have so far (from all positions)
- Explain what did you do at each position you held and what value did you bring - not the job description
- Include in your CV keywords that are relevant to the position you are applying to
- Keep your CV clean with the most important information at the top of the page - this is your most valuable real estate on your CVs, the area with the highest chance of being read (and where decision to read further are made)
- In general, for most positions your academic background is not as important as you think, push it to the bottom of your CV
This might merit a post by itself one day
[המלצות לכתיבת קורות חיים 1](283Back_cv tip update.pdf)
[המלצות לכתיבת קורות חיים 2](283Front_cv tip update.pdf)
[סדנת קורות חיים](CV\ work\ shop\ update\ 2018.pptx)
LinkedIn Workshop by Tom Horovich Levin
My thanks to Mor Sandosvski for her help and resources!